Moby-Extreme ways

 Moby - Extreme Ways .mp3
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Friday, 17 September 2010

Latest News

Free Premium event through September 24thSITE NEWS | Sep 16, 2010 | radix
Hi everybody! This week we want to show our standard users how great our Premium and Pro memberships are. To do that, all week we'll be providing FREE access to Premium content throughout QUAKE LIVE. In addition to that, when you buy a Premium or Pro subscription, you'll be getting a free one-month token that you can give to a friend or redeem for yourself.

The free premium access this week will grant all users the same features that our Premium members have:

- Join premium matches to play on any of the 20 new arenas,
- Play the premium-only FreezeTag game type,
- Create clans, and join more than one clan,
- Connect to matches without seeing a pre-game advertisement

About the tokens: when you buy a Premium or Pro subscription, you'll be granted a one-month token of the same level of membership that you purchased. We encourage you to give them to friends! You'll be shown the token at the end of the checkout process, but you can also see any tokens you own on your Account Settings page, so don't worry about forgetting it. Tokens can also be redeemed on the Account Settings page.

One important note about clans: since premium access grants the ability to join more than one clan as well as the ability to create clans, anyone who does so without buying a Premium (or Pro!) subscription by the end of the week will be removed from those clans.

The event will be running all through the week until the midnight of September 24th (EST). We hope you enjoy the Premium content!